Miley’s Haircut Inspired by a Jonas Brothers Wig
Miley told V magazine that the Jonas Brothers were a source of inspiration for her first haircut. She revealed that the idea of cutting her hair took effect after wearing a wig with a Jonas swoop. She liked the look of the short do and went for it.
Two weeks after wearing the wig, Miley had her hairstylist Chris McMillan shape her new do, and Pharell was the first to hear of the new makeover.
According to Cyrus, the new cut signaled her determination to change and to be different. And she certainly achieved what she set out to do. The new image, including the haircut, took the world by storm. While some people are all for it, a lot more people expressed their disapproval of Miley’s new image. But according to Miley, she’s not looking for other people’s opinions – she loves the new look and that’s all that matters. Subscribe to satellite TV at and get a firsthand look at celebrities with edgy haircuts.
Miley Reveals The Secret To Her Long Hair
Miley’s healthy brown hair became her trademark as the star of Hannah Montana. But Miley set the record straight, and no doubt disappointed her fan base when she revealed that her brown hair came down to extensions.
She pointed to a picture on the front page of Harper’s Bazaar – taken many years before – and reflected that it was a simple life then. But that simple life included 350 extensions in her hair. The hair was not real – at least not hair that grew out of her head.
Miley Loves Her Short Hair
While there’s a lot of buzz about the singer’s daring, edgy cut, Miley claims that she has no regrets. In fact, she loves it so much that she can’t imagine ever going back to having long hair. Women would agree that longer hair is more versatile. The problem is that most women style their long hair in a ponytail or bun. According to Cyrus, a bold new haircut is the best way to get out of a hairstyling rut.
A stylist suggested that Miley can always switch her look and add extensions if she wants to go long again. But according to the singer, that is out of the question because she hates extension. She goes so far as to say that they’re creepy.
The new style is low maintenance – just wash and wear. Miley claims it’s easier than that because the style looks fabulous even when it goes unwashed.
So as some onlookers lament the loss of Miley’s long hair, others are getting used to it because it’s here to stay.
Charlotte Button is a stylist to the stars. She loves to write about celebrity styles on fashion blogs.
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