Friday, November 22, 2013

My Watch Wishlist

I do love watches and if I have extra money, I buy one or two but not to the point that I go penniless. Last year, I wanted to buy myself a Micheal Kors over-sized watch because it was the ïn" thing that time but since I am on a shopping freeze during those days, I opted not to buy. Until now, I am wishing that I have one but still I would not one simply because I have other priorities.

Maybe soon.. I can buy one of these watches that I am eyeing for a long time now. They are perfect to pair with "arm candies" - multiple layers of bracelets.

Michael Kors Rose Golden Runway Oversized Chronograph Watch $275 - at

Kenneth Cole New York - Multifunction Two-Tone Watch with Silver Link Strap $195.00

Not only are they fashionable but these watches are durable and affordable than other designer watches that you can buy at hefty over thousand dollars.

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