Coloured contact lenses might have had their start in the consciousness of most of us in thrillers, as the protagonist popped blue lenses over their brown eyes, and dyed their hair in the poor light of a motel bathroom. However, coloured contact lenses have now stepped outside the confines of crime fiction, and become an affordable way to change your look - whether that's subtle or startling is entirely up to you!
Coloured contact lenses are now readily available both from high street opticians and online retailers such as, in both prescription and purely cosmetic variants. It may be that you're looking for a subtle change in eye colour for a special occasion, especially if there's a good chance you will be photographed close up, and provide long-lasting memories of happy family occasions. Subtle, natural eye colour changes are usually more successful if you choose a colour closer to your own, as the colour of your iris will inform the result - for example, blues and greys can become vivid greens or turquoise, and hazel deepens into a rich purple.
That is not the case, however, with the kind of effect lenses favoured by clubbers, or frequently used in film and television for special effects. You'll no doubt be familiar with the milky white eyes of a zombie - you'll have a far more attractive result with your fashion lenses, but the level of opacity is the same. Be aware that your vision won't necessarily be very clear, so don't drive when wearing these lenses. In terms of the effect you can achieve, the sky is the limit - patterns and colours to match your clothes, or animal effects for fancy dress, fashion coloured contact lenses can produce some startling effects.
Finally, a word about eye safety - not everyone can tolerate contact lenses, and not everyone can tolerate all types of contact lenses; for the sake of your eye health, please visit an optician for a full eye health check and test before you purchase any coloured contact lenses online, and make sure that purchases are made through a reputable, established retailer. If you don't require prescription lenses - or even if you do - limit your wear of effect lenses, and make sure that you don't have them in for more than a few hours at a time. You only get one pair of eyes - look after them.
Na-miss ko na tuloy maglagay ng contact lens.. I stopped wearing one because I'm clumsy. Lol And for the sake of my safety, I have to get rid of my lens..
ako naman never tried to wear one.. takot ako haha
I have 2 pairs of contact lens that I use everytime I go out. My eyes are still in good condition and wearing contact lens for me is only for fashion.. hee hee :)
my niece prefers to wear contact lens over eyeglasses, and seeing how she painstakingly take care of lens each night, how much time she needed to wash, care, and put it on, i think I would stick to eyeglasses! :)
I have never used a colored contact lenses yet but they are pretty!
I am planning of buying a colored contact lens in the future, for fashion.
I have tried wearing contact lenses before and I like it because I don't need to wear glasses. But for some reasons my eyes now are okay and optician says its 20/20. Weird though. But for fashion purposes, I would love to wear them again.
Never get to used contact lenses, Na-iirita ako. Sayang having a green-colored one would be great.
ako naman afraid to wear one..!
sayang no? ako blue eyes sana hehe
Correct, it really takes time to clean and maintain those lenses. Remember Ruffa Gutiierez who got irritated eyes when she forgot to take off her contacts one night due to tiredness? yay
lucky, I am still 20/20 vision. i knew someday it will not be the same but i'm afraid to wear one...I might go with eyeglasses I think or the operation but just need to save a lot for it. :)
I have never tried pa to wear contact lenses. I'm afraid of being blind. I wish I can get over with my phobia to try this.
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