If you know about quality, style and durability on bags, there’s no doubt that you’d prefer leather as oppose to synthetic and other materials. Leather has been very popular material used in bags, shoes and other accessory making as they are very versatile and durable. However, there are different grades of leather that you can choose but the highest quality full grain leather is the best investment that you can have.
Investing in quality leather bags not only can give value to your hard earned money but it will also last for more than 10 years and you can even pass on to next generation especially if you have taken extra care on those bags. The quality of craftsmanship is excellent plus the hardware and stitching are sure made to its perfection. True quality leather ages in time thus making it worth investing in.
Lately, I’ve been trying to buy some leather bags for myself as I am already fed up buying those faux leather and synthetic bags that easily rips or show signs of scratches after only few uses. Though it may mean that I need to pay more than what I am used to but the quality is worth it in the long run. I have few leather bags now in my closet and I’m pretty sure that I can use them over and over again for many years.
I’ve always been in the lookout for stores that sell quality leather bags and SaddlebackLeather.com is worth taking a peak. With all the quality fine leather goods that they sell in their store, Saddleback is home to myriad of items made of only pure full grain leather from well bred American cows. Just some of the products that they have are luggage, leather briefcase for men, backpacks, belts, wallets, bags of different styles and more.
I’m really drooling over this clutch purse that costs $131.
Product details taken from: saddlebackleather.com
Long, adjustable strap quickly detaches (clip on one side, nipple rivet on the other)
Wear across chest for added security
Ideal size for travel necessities (and no end-of-day backaches)
Built-in coin holder on the top flap
Almost imperceptible back pocket and inside pocket
D-rings and copper rivets on both sides
Pigskin liner for easy clean-up and unmatched durability
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Out With the Old: Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe
One of the best ways to re-organize your life in 2013 is to clean out old items and make space for new. If you are looking to get better organized to maximize time with friends, spouse, or kids -- or time for you -- it’s time to take a look at those items that have been lurking in the back of your closet and replace them with new, more functional wardrobe pieces.
Pull Everything Out
It’s hard to let go of clothing you love and think you’ll wear, or clothing that you have loved but has gone out of style. To do a major overhaul to your closet, pull everything out and lay it on the bed, so you can do an in-depth inventory of everything you have. Identify items you cannot live without. These are items that you wear on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Then identify items you are on the fence about. These include items that you wear monthly or what might have sentimental value. Then identify items you can get rid of. As you’re evaluating these items, be sure to consider that you can replace these items with things that fit your body and lifestyle better. You can even save money replacing things by using an express.com coupon code.
On the Fence
If you have items you’re having trouble parting with, think of friends who might benefit from having these items. Sometimes it’s easier to imagine parting with something you don’t use but consider valuable if you realize that someone you love might benefit from it more than you do. Consider setting up a clothing swap with a few friends, and you can replace your old items with new-to-you items and give new life to items you once valued.
Organize Your Closet
As you put items back in, take the time to organize them in a way that makes sense for you. Some people prefer to do this by color, and others prefer to do it by type-of-item. If you can, invest in some nice hangers -- possibly wood -- that will motivate you to cherish your wardrobe and encourage you to keep it organized in the future. Invest in any other organizational pieces, such as new laundry baskets, which will help you keep everything tidy and peaceful.
Pull Everything Out
It’s hard to let go of clothing you love and think you’ll wear, or clothing that you have loved but has gone out of style. To do a major overhaul to your closet, pull everything out and lay it on the bed, so you can do an in-depth inventory of everything you have. Identify items you cannot live without. These are items that you wear on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Then identify items you are on the fence about. These include items that you wear monthly or what might have sentimental value. Then identify items you can get rid of. As you’re evaluating these items, be sure to consider that you can replace these items with things that fit your body and lifestyle better. You can even save money replacing things by using an express.com coupon code.
On the Fence
If you have items you’re having trouble parting with, think of friends who might benefit from having these items. Sometimes it’s easier to imagine parting with something you don’t use but consider valuable if you realize that someone you love might benefit from it more than you do. Consider setting up a clothing swap with a few friends, and you can replace your old items with new-to-you items and give new life to items you once valued.
Organize Your Closet
As you put items back in, take the time to organize them in a way that makes sense for you. Some people prefer to do this by color, and others prefer to do it by type-of-item. If you can, invest in some nice hangers -- possibly wood -- that will motivate you to cherish your wardrobe and encourage you to keep it organized in the future. Invest in any other organizational pieces, such as new laundry baskets, which will help you keep everything tidy and peaceful.
Fashion / Style,
Fashion Tips,
spring cleaning,
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Michael Kors 2-toned Oversized Watch
Slowly, my to-buy list for our home is getting shorter already. I already bought the Samsung flat screen TV as per my mom's request but I still need one of those monitor mounts that I've been seeing so we can hang the TV on the wall. It can save a lot of space in our small living room because the cabinet where it was placed will be removed already. In the meantime, that mount will still remain in my list for now because I have some other things that I want to buy not for our house but for myself this time.
I really wanted this Michael Kors 2-toned oversized watch and I might order one from a friend that sells this. I know I deserved to have one of this and I just hope that before the year ends and even before the fad disappear, I hope I already have one.
Now.... I'm drooling!
I really wanted this Michael Kors 2-toned oversized watch and I might order one from a friend that sells this. I know I deserved to have one of this and I just hope that before the year ends and even before the fad disappear, I hope I already have one.
Now.... I'm drooling!
chrono watch,
Michael Kors,
oversized watch,
Bejeweled Lips at Christian Dior Spring 2013 Couture Collection
If you think your red hot lipstick can already attract people when they see you, wait till you see these Bejeweled Lips at Christian Dior Spring 2013 Couture Collection.
The crystal covered lips of the models are created by makeup artist Pat McGrath. She meticulously covered their lips with crystals to make them more stunning and standout. I'm not sure if the models are comfortable with the crystals on their lips though for it looks like it can be drying. The dazzling crystal lips are paired with neutral eye colors and pixie hair cuts, which I like.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="542"] Bejeweled Lips at Christian Dior Spring 2013 Couture Collection
Image from http://www.glamour.com[/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Bejeweled Lips at Christian Dior Spring 2013 Couture Collection
Image from http://www.glamour.com[/caption]
The crystal covered lips of the models are created by makeup artist Pat McGrath. She meticulously covered their lips with crystals to make them more stunning and standout. I'm not sure if the models are comfortable with the crystals on their lips though for it looks like it can be drying. The dazzling crystal lips are paired with neutral eye colors and pixie hair cuts, which I like.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="542"] Bejeweled Lips at Christian Dior Spring 2013 Couture Collection
Image from http://www.glamour.com[/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Bejeweled Lips at Christian Dior Spring 2013 Couture Collection
Image from http://www.glamour.com[/caption]
Bejeweled Lips,
Christian Dior,
Pat McGrath,
Spring 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Finding the Perfect Cello Strings
Playing any musical instrument is always fun and interesting. No matter what kind of instrument that you would like to play, it is always important that you have the passion for it or else you’ll just end up stopping. Try a lot of instruments if you can so and later on choose whatever that is close to your heart and mind.
One of the most interesting musical instruments is the cello. It is a bowed string instrument that consists of four strings. It resembles much like of violin but it’s much bigger than that. It’s always perfect to this when you are a kid but no matter what age you are cello will enchant anyone.
Practice makes perfect and aside from that, a good instrument is also a must. You can find 4 cello strings at wwbw and you can choose whether you’ll use gut, metal, synthetic, or metal.
One of the most interesting musical instruments is the cello. It is a bowed string instrument that consists of four strings. It resembles much like of violin but it’s much bigger than that. It’s always perfect to this when you are a kid but no matter what age you are cello will enchant anyone.
Practice makes perfect and aside from that, a good instrument is also a must. You can find 4 cello strings at wwbw and you can choose whether you’ll use gut, metal, synthetic, or metal.
Monday, January 21, 2013
How to Keep Your Lipstick Stay Longer
I always find it annoying to see that my lipstick is almost gone in my lips for few hours only. I know I have applied a generous amount on my lips but still it's not staying there for a while.
Found this mini and helpful tutorial How to Keep Your Lipstick Stay Longer on your lips from the Beauty Department and actually, I have been doing this for a while now and it really works !
Try this simple steps:
Found this mini and helpful tutorial How to Keep Your Lipstick Stay Longer on your lips from the Beauty Department and actually, I have been doing this for a while now and it really works !
Try this simple steps:
How to Brighten Your Decor for Baby
Decorating your home for your new baby is exciting and often challenging. You want everything just right for your most perfect little gift. When decorating, it is important to pay close attention to the nursery bedding, as well as small things like bathroom lighting.
There are a wide variety of nursery styles of bedding. In order to select the perfect nursery bedding, you need to do your research. Look up some of the types of materials used to make bedding for babies. It is important to know how these products could affect the comfort of your baby's sleep. A gentle, soft material is a popular type that is free of chemicals and dye, but not everything that looks good is necessarily good for your baby. If you are unsure about what type of bedding is best, you may have to find out through trial and error. Keep in mind: bedding that does not feel good to your skin is likely to cause your baby discomfort as well.
Bathroom glow lighting adds special effects to a nursery. Glow lighting makes it easier to see your baby during the night and gives your little one a sense of security. Some of these lights are resistant to overheating, ensuring your baby's safety.
Babies are precious and special little gifts. It is important to take extra steps to provide comfort and safety for them in their room and throughout the home.
There are a wide variety of nursery styles of bedding. In order to select the perfect nursery bedding, you need to do your research. Look up some of the types of materials used to make bedding for babies. It is important to know how these products could affect the comfort of your baby's sleep. A gentle, soft material is a popular type that is free of chemicals and dye, but not everything that looks good is necessarily good for your baby. If you are unsure about what type of bedding is best, you may have to find out through trial and error. Keep in mind: bedding that does not feel good to your skin is likely to cause your baby discomfort as well.
Bathroom glow lighting adds special effects to a nursery. Glow lighting makes it easier to see your baby during the night and gives your little one a sense of security. Some of these lights are resistant to overheating, ensuring your baby's safety.
Babies are precious and special little gifts. It is important to take extra steps to provide comfort and safety for them in their room and throughout the home.
Friday, January 11, 2013
How to Choose a Maid Service in Scottsdale, Arizona
Choosing a maid service in Scottsdale can seem like a tough decision, especially if you have never hired professional cleaners before. Anytime we bring people into our homes we want to feel secure, and when we pay for services, we expect to be pleased with the results. But, what do you look for, and how do you know you are getting a good deal? This simple checklist will prove helpful for those considering hiring a maid service in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Checklist for Choosing Maid Service in Scottsdale
Here is a general list of the top things to consider when comparing house cleaning service companies. You can’t truly know how good a service is until you’ve used it. But, these tips will help you select the best options and avoid common issues, helping ensure you find great maid service in Scottsdale.
How are Their References/Reviews?
As with any service-based profession, references are key. If you want to know how well someone performs, who better to ask than their customers? Nowadays, customers can also check reviews online via social media, Google, Angie’s List, and more. Seeing a few legitimate, positive reviews can help you rest assured that the service is effective and trustworthy.
Do They Pass Background Checks?
House cleaners will be in your home, often unattended, and around your family, pets, and most prized possessions. Many people prefer to have cleaning done while they are away, and leave a key for the cleaning team. You want to make sure this trust is not taken advantage of. For this reason, you need to be confident of the cleaners’ responsibility and trustworthiness. Conducting a background check, or using a Scottsdale maid service that conducts background checks on employees, helps ensure this. Background checks typically include at least criminal histories, and in the case of employers, past job performance and more.
Are the Cleaners Licensed & Insured?
Even with the most careful cleaning professionals, accidents can happen. Breakables may get dropped, keys can get lost, and other issues can arise. When you hire a cleaning service, make sure they are insured so that employees’ mistakes won’t cost you money. The insurance companies cover workers in cases of loss, injury, damage, theft, and more which offers customers security. Licensing, or registering with state, is also an important step for legitimate businesses (mostly for tax purposes). Both help show that a company isn’t fly-by-night and offers a professional level of care.
Check to see if the cleaning company offers clearly listed service menus and packages. While flexibility is important, you want to know exactly what the maids will clean to assess value. Some services may be cheap, but only offer minimal cleaning with everything else incurring extra charges. Upfront pricing eliminates unexpected charges and ensures you are satisfied.
Do They Use Checklists?
Along the same lines, maid services that use standardized checklists tend to have better success at thorough deep cleaning. In addition providing accountability and eliminating disputes about what is and is not covered, checklists help ensure maids don’t miss a step.
Is There any Satisfaction Guarantee?
If you pay for a clean house, you deserve a clean house. Check to make sure the company offers some sort of guarantee or resolution process in case they cleaners do a subpar job - think of it as a warranty. They should at least offer a refund or to reclean in cases where work is incomplete or unprofessional.
Green Cleaning Option
Many people, especially those with small children and pets, are concerned about toxic chemicals. As the green trend continues, consumers are beginning to seek maid service in Scottsdale offering environmentally friendly house cleaning. What this means is that the cleaners use only products that are non-toxic, thus safe for little ones and the planet. But, non-toxic shouldn’t mean dirty - many cleaners are both effective and save.
Cleaning Companies vs. Individual Maid Service in Scottsdale
With all of these things considered, for many the biggest decision is whether to hire an individual or a professional maid service in Scottsdale. Cheap services are readily found on Craigslist that may save you money, but there are some inherent risks - you don’t know the individuals qualifications or trustworthiness, and likely won’t have much recourse if something is broken, missing, or the job is poor. Choosing with professional maid service in Scottsdale like Scottsdale Maids ensures your home is secure and that job will be done right.
If the Shoe Fits
I went to the optometrist the other day located inside the mall to order a new pair of reading glasses and while waiting for it to finish, I went inside SM to stroll. I passed by the shoe section and saw it was SALE so I looked over for the leopard flat shoes that I saw few weeks ago if it is still available. The style was still on the rack but too bad there's no more size 6 argghh. I'm also looking for a nice red flat shoes but again I could not find a not too bloody red on any of the brands inside the mall.
I just tried some few wedges and flats but nothing seems to suit my taste and my feet. They are either too high or don't fit my feet well. Actually, I always have a hard time finding and picking shoes for myself that there are times the shoes or sandals that I bought are either tight or doesn't look good anymore when I tried it already at home. I just envy girls that can pick shoes easily and can match their shoes quickly on their outfit, that I have to master next time.
Browsing online stores also makes me happy and I always envision that I have all those shoes in my racks hehe.
Here's my latest shoe finds online. Love ém!.
[caption id="attachment_1191" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Colorful calf-hair flats from http://www.jgshoe.com[/caption]
I just tried some few wedges and flats but nothing seems to suit my taste and my feet. They are either too high or don't fit my feet well. Actually, I always have a hard time finding and picking shoes for myself that there are times the shoes or sandals that I bought are either tight or doesn't look good anymore when I tried it already at home. I just envy girls that can pick shoes easily and can match their shoes quickly on their outfit, that I have to master next time.
Browsing online stores also makes me happy and I always envision that I have all those shoes in my racks hehe.
Here's my latest shoe finds online. Love ém!.
[caption id="attachment_1191" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Colorful calf-hair flats from http://www.jgshoe.com[/caption]
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
DVD Duplication and DVD Cases Templates
If you are looking for new give-away to give at your wedding, birthdays, anniversary or any occasion, DVD with your fave music or photos can be a good option for you to choose. You can always contact disc2day for dvd duplication especially if you will order by bulk.
Just in case you need DVD cases for your own personal use or for give-away as well, you can actually use templates that you can print on your own. Check out these beautiful designs.
Just in case you need DVD cases for your own personal use or for give-away as well, you can actually use templates that you can print on your own. Check out these beautiful designs.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Nicole Richie’s Ready to Go / Go-to Outfits
I'm a fan of Polyvore for this is where I can findlots of different outfits from members and even celebrities that we all can take inspirations. It is also where I can make my own set of outfits that I can wear or share on this blog.
Nicole Richie shared her Ready to Go / Go-to Outfits from Polyvore and this is her style.
The first outfit (left) is a casual look that is perfect for busy moms:
~vintage Levi bell bottoms
~white t-shirt from Alexander Wang
The second look
~loose jumpsuit from Winter Kate
~sandals and a Balenciaga bag
Nicole Richie shared her Ready to Go / Go-to Outfits from Polyvore and this is her style.
The first outfit (left) is a casual look that is perfect for busy moms:
~vintage Levi bell bottoms
~white t-shirt from Alexander Wang
The second look
~loose jumpsuit from Winter Kate
~sandals and a Balenciaga bag
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A Song of Ice and Fire – Why Should I Read It?
Intellectual literary types are sometimes inclined to dismiss certain aspects of the fantasy genre as a cheap by product of a contemporary pop-fiction movement. Though the genre may have spawned classics, the most obvious example being The Lord of the Rings, the modern market is dominated by teenage wizards and vampires. George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series is often dismissed as yet another teen fad, made popular by the hit HBO television series A Game of Thrones, much like The Hunger Games or Twilight. On the contrary, Martin's world of gritty realism, back stabbing politics, pious religion, and flawed humanity is exactly what the genre was calling for.
If a king massacres his people, should he be deposed? In the light of recent political movements in the Middle East this question is highly relevant. The corruption of the ruling classes has long captivated the imagination of the public, and the central issue in the series concerns this corruption. Westeros is a land run by power hungry families who control various territories and hold fasts. All of these families are subjects to the King, not unlike a historic England. As sly court politics create tensions between families, friendships fray and war engulfs the kingdom.
Martin may not have Tolkien's poetic flourish, but the raw nature of the world Martin creates perfectly compliments his writing style. Love, affairs, slavery, prejudice and betrayal are just a small number of themes that are to be found. No character is perfect, just as no person is perfect. Compared to the pure goodness that characterises Harry Potter or Frodo Baggins, all characters in A Song of Ice and Fire are prone to make mistakes, to act on impulse, driven by emotion. This enables the reader to connect with the characters on the same level rather than feeling beneath, and distinct from the 'good guy'.
What makes the story so engaging is the sheer scope of the world that Martin created. The intricate story lines involve the perspectives of 31 characters. Along with politics and war in Westeros, the story of an exiled princess is interwoven, as well as the distant threat of a supernatural race called the Others. The series has a total of 7 books, with an average page count of 900, and two final books still to be released. Here, the invention of the ebook is highly pragmatic. With a quick visit to an ebook bookstore you can download the series to a device small enough to fit in your pocket. This reader was late to the ebook revolution and therefore spent months hauling massive novels across the city of London.
For anyone with a slight weakness for fantasy, after reading The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, but is not a fan of the tacky literature that lines most book shop shelves, take a chance and start with Life of Pi you might become hooked.
If a king massacres his people, should he be deposed? In the light of recent political movements in the Middle East this question is highly relevant. The corruption of the ruling classes has long captivated the imagination of the public, and the central issue in the series concerns this corruption. Westeros is a land run by power hungry families who control various territories and hold fasts. All of these families are subjects to the King, not unlike a historic England. As sly court politics create tensions between families, friendships fray and war engulfs the kingdom.
Martin may not have Tolkien's poetic flourish, but the raw nature of the world Martin creates perfectly compliments his writing style. Love, affairs, slavery, prejudice and betrayal are just a small number of themes that are to be found. No character is perfect, just as no person is perfect. Compared to the pure goodness that characterises Harry Potter or Frodo Baggins, all characters in A Song of Ice and Fire are prone to make mistakes, to act on impulse, driven by emotion. This enables the reader to connect with the characters on the same level rather than feeling beneath, and distinct from the 'good guy'.
What makes the story so engaging is the sheer scope of the world that Martin created. The intricate story lines involve the perspectives of 31 characters. Along with politics and war in Westeros, the story of an exiled princess is interwoven, as well as the distant threat of a supernatural race called the Others. The series has a total of 7 books, with an average page count of 900, and two final books still to be released. Here, the invention of the ebook is highly pragmatic. With a quick visit to an ebook bookstore you can download the series to a device small enough to fit in your pocket. This reader was late to the ebook revolution and therefore spent months hauling massive novels across the city of London.
For anyone with a slight weakness for fantasy, after reading The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, but is not a fan of the tacky literature that lines most book shop shelves, take a chance and start with Life of Pi you might become hooked.
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