Investing in quality leather bags not only can give value to your hard earned money but it will also last for more than 10 years and you can even pass on to next generation especially if you have taken extra care on those bags. The quality of craftsmanship is excellent plus the hardware and stitching are sure made to its perfection. True quality leather ages in time thus making it worth investing in.
Lately, I’ve been trying to buy some leather bags for myself as I am already fed up buying those faux leather and synthetic bags that easily rips or show signs of scratches after only few uses. Though it may mean that I need to pay more than what I am used to but the quality is worth it in the long run. I have few leather bags now in my closet and I’m pretty sure that I can use them over and over again for many years.
I’ve always been in the lookout for stores that sell quality leather bags and is worth taking a peak. With all the quality fine leather goods that they sell in their store, Saddleback is home to myriad of items made of only pure full grain leather from well bred American cows. Just some of the products that they have are luggage, leather briefcase for men, backpacks, belts, wallets, bags of different styles and more.
I’m really drooling over this clutch purse that costs $131.
Product details taken from:
Long, adjustable strap quickly detaches (clip on one side, nipple rivet on the other)
Wear across chest for added security
Ideal size for travel necessities (and no end-of-day backaches)
Built-in coin holder on the top flap
Almost imperceptible back pocket and inside pocket
D-rings and copper rivets on both sides
Pigskin liner for easy clean-up and unmatched durability
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