These days, I’m trying to invest on quality bags as I already got tired of bags ripping fast. In the end it’s just a waste of money for I end up buying one bag to another. Now, I love leather bags especially those that are made of pebbled leather bags that are soft and good quality. I have authentic leather bags from Coach, Kate Spade, Esprit and Kenneth Cole. While I also have Cole Haan and Long Champ made of other materials. So far so good, they are good brands and have good quality materials as well.
I’m also dreaming of having bags from Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Celine, Tods, and even Prada but at this point I still don’t have enough courage and money to buy too expensive bags. But in the future, I’ll invest on those branded bags if I can already afford them especially that Moda Queen online has discounts on various bags. I was in admiration on Discount prada bags, Gucci, Tods, Fendi and more that they are selling on the site. They have bags, wallets, sunglasses, clothing and accessories both for men and women.
Here are some of the bags that made me drool and want to have.
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