Once you begin couponing, the amount of savings you earn for your family is extremely obvious. After a while, you begin to realize that you have extra coupons and access to deals you don't need, or simply aren't interested in. When this happens, it is the perfect opportunity to take what you have learned and help others. Continue reading below to find out how you can help others save a buck with coupons.
Donate Extra Items
If you have an opportunity to purchase items for free, even if it isn't an item or service you need, you should take advantage of the sale. Instead of simply hoarding free items, or letting them collect dust in your stockpile, you can donate the items. For instance, if you have a large stockpile of razors, but find a razor deal that allows you to score razors for free, go ahead and purchase the razors. Razors are a common item that can be appreciated by just about anyone, so the purchase will definitely not go to waste. Popular places to donate items you got for free and almost free are homeless shelters, non-profit organizations, schools, child care establishments and churches. These organizations can take your donated items and make sure they get to individuals or families who will truly appreciate your act of kindness.
Teach Others to Coupon
While people will certainly enjoy your generosity if you donate coupons and free items to them, they will undoubtedly enjoy learning how to coupon themselves too. Whether you sit down with your college daughter and her friends or organize a coupon class at your local library, teaching others how to coupon like a master will provide them with an opportunity to save money, and to eventually teach others their money saving tips as well.
If you are tech savvy, you can even set up a blog that can teach people all over the world how to use coupons effectively and efficiently. If done properly, an extreme couponer can even earn residual income off of their coupon blog. Blogging extreme couponers can choose to keep their profits or continue to help others by donating their income to a local charity or organization.
Trade Goods or Coupons
Online, especially social media sites, there are local groups of extreme and avid couponers. To get the most out of your extra coupons join one of these groups, so you have an opportunity to trade coupons or goods with others who share your passion for couponing. Sharing coupons allows others to stock up on items they need while providing you with coupons you need to meet your family's needs. Joining these coupon trade groups also gives you another source to tap for leads on sales, clearances and coupon opportunities in your local area.
Many people turn to couponing as a way to save their household money. While couponers can save a considerable amount of money for their household, it also gives them an opportunity to help others. This is extremely beneficial, especially in this economy, because for many people helping others outside their own family wouldn't be a possibility without the use of coupons and other money saving deals.
Kara Fielder is a working mom with two kids. She enjoys sharing her tips and tricks on frugal living by blogging regularly for a variety of websites. Click here for online coupons.
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