Our 30th Pearl Anniversary reunion in highschool will be this coming May 24th and I'm actually so excited already. Not only I will be able to see my former batchmates after many years but I can also dress up beautifully. I am one of the organizers and we have been busy these past few days for we wanted to reach out to a lot of our batch '84 classmates.
Since the reunion will be held in a hotel, of course we can't wear just casual clothing so I am just eyeing some nice cocktail dresses. I'm not after wearing long gown for I want to be just simple yet elegant and presentable as well. These past few days, I am hooked online trying to find some nice dresses that I can wear and this lead me to look at Nordstrom online to find some inspirations.
Here are my picks and I hope I can find something similar on our local stores. I know, they may look good on models but sometimes it;s different when I fit it already.

Images via: http://shop.nordstrom.com